
Welcome to YCIS Shanghai (Pudong incl. Lingang)

Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS Shanghai) is one of the leading international schools in China. Our unique education nurtures the talents of international children aged 2 to 18 years old. Through Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary schools, our curriculum helps our students develop strong skills in English and Chinese and become globally-minded for a competitive future. YCIS students consistently achieve “Top in the World” academic results and outstanding extra-curricular successes. Our school is a vibrant community of students, faculty, and families coming together in a warm and collaborative way.

Please fill out the form below. Our Admissions Officers will then contact you to schedule for a one-to-one consultation.

上海耀中外籍人员子女学校是在中国的顶尖国际学校之一。我们独特的教育为2-18岁的国际儿童提供发挥才能的绝佳平台。我们的课程涵盖幼儿园、小学和中学(包括IGCSE & IB课程),旨在帮助学生奠定优良的中英双语能力,并培养他们的全球视野,在面对未来高度竞争的社会时能应付自如。耀中学生的世界学术成绩向来名列前茅,并在课外实践中取得有目共睹的成就。我们的学校是一个充满活力的社群,学生、教师和家庭紧密联系,在温暖的环境中群策群力,确保学生获得良好教育,健康成长。


* Parent's Given Name 家长名字(拼音)
* Email 电子邮件
* Mobile No. 手机号码
* Validation Code 验证码